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Thailand  (4 - march) alt




Orchid farm

Growing orchids for export is a Thai specialty. Orchid farms in Thailand range from multi acre industrial enterprises down to the back yard 5 by 10 meter orchid plot many families keep to supplement their income. I know nothing about orchids except that I think they are so beautiful that I can understand why orchid lovers go batty about their collection of rare specimens. At least, orchid lovers have more sense than the tulip lovers and speculators who inflated the Dutch tulip bubble that burst in 1637. I hope you like beautiful flowers because here come 14 photos of Thai orchids.

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Thai massage

Another specialty of this country is the Thai massage that differs from other kinds of massage by its quiet violence. You have to try it. This young Thai girl is getting the whole body treatment in which every joint of your body is forced to move in ways you have never experienced before.

Thai massage parlors are everywhere, not only for tourists, the Thai people love to be massaged. There are certified practitioners that have formal training and many others who improvise. You have to try several to find what is good for you.

I found the full body massage a little rough for my taste but the foot (and leg) massage was perfect to reduce the swelling of my legs after a long walk.




Thai massage

I don't walk much in Montreal but here, there is so much to see that I could not help walking and walking and walking. Thai massage done the right way (upwards, from the foot up and not in the opposite direction), does wonders to eliminate edema and stimulate blood circulation in the lower extremities,.

Thai foot massage did wonders for me. After trying several I chose this young lady, Cy, to do my weekly massage either in her massage parlor or in my various guesthouse rooms..


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Wat Phra Singh

Wats (Buddhist temples) are another Thai specialty as you must have guessed from the number of wats I have shown you.

Wat Phrae Singh is the largest one in Chiang Mai. It's construction was begun by King Pa Yo in 1345 and completed around 1400.

Unfortunately, the gilt carvings that constitute it's beautiful facade were being restored when I took this picture.





Wat Phra Singh

The Lion Buddha inside the spacious main viharn has quite a travel history. It is believed to have come from Sri Lanka and to have been displayed in Ayuthaya, Sukhotai, Chiang Rai and Luang Prabang before coming here (the Thai are very pious and credulous!).






Wat Phrae Singh

Viharn Lai Kham, between the chedi and the main viharn is renowned for its mural paintings that date back to 1870.S






Wat Phrae Singh

And finally the sacred Chedi adorned with golden draperies.






Chiang Mai

Mid march my dear friend Lina came to visit me on vacations from her work as executive secretary to my best friend Sarto whose offices occupy the ground floor and basement of my building. It was her first big trip in an exotic destination.

It is largely thanks to her that I have been able to enjoy carefree travel each winter. When I am away, she opens my mail, sorts out the thrash, forwards what is worth it, pays my bills and reports weekly by e-mail.

I am particularly appreciative of my relationship with Lina because of the trust she has earned over the past decade, Others of lesser moral fiber would have easily taken advantage of me.





Chiang Mai

Lina traveled with her friend Jacynthe, a junior in Sarto's law firm. Both are studying law with Sarto's support and encouragement. Naturally, I was delighted to see them enjoy their own travel adventure in bikinis after three months of icy Montreal weather.







Snowfall was particularly heavy in 2008. here is Lina waving over the snowbank that had not yet been cleared in front of our building just before she left for her Thailand vacations. The door on the left leads to my third floor condominium.





Chiang Mai

Happy to be away from the cold the girls did their own thing in Chiang Mai but we took a one day course in Thai cooking together.





Chiang Mai

Many schools like this one in Chiang Mai reveal the secrets of Thai cooking to eager tourists. We chose this one for the convenient proximity to my hotel.


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Lina pounding away on selected spices to prepare green curry in a stone mortar on the left while I stir fry red peppers in a wok on the right.


After a few days in CM they left for the sunny beaches of Koh Samui and at the end of the month I left for Bangkok.



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